Friday, April 28, 2006

It's Over! Down goes 200!

As you may know I have been doing some frequent bowling out here. Almost every Friday me and my friends head off to the Sakura Bowling Alley on Jiangning Lu for some beers and 10 pin before heading out the bars. Strikes and gutters, man. When I first moved here, I was like most beginners, just trying to break 100. Then I got better, and breaking 100 wasn't an issue, I was conisistently getting 140's -150's maybe a 170 here and there. My real quest at that point was 200. Over the course of the year that I have been bowling I had yet to hit that 200 mark. I have been with 2 people (of my skill level) that I had witnessed break 200. The closest I came was 197 about 4 weeks ago. The frustration was getting to me. Each week, we'd joke about breaking 200. Each week, I was dissapointed..until this last Friday night!

That's right Mother F'ers. 245! Not only did I break 200, I fucking shattered it! The ongoing joke with my buddy Jono was that one day our names would be on the High Score boards above the lanes.

Well...Mine is! They stopped play, and took down the High Score Board.

They Officially wrote my SCORE OF 245!

And then let me sign my name. And since there is another Dude here with my same name, obviously I signed it SIDE. What else? So if you ever go bowling in Shanghai, check out lane 22. It's got my name on it, bitch!


Blogger Scotty Dimes said...

That's awesome. I'm jealous.

8:22 AM  

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