Let's Get Retarded
I'm going to The Black Eyed Peas (The Monkey Business Tour) tonight. I know like 3 songs two of which I don't even know the names. So I am basically forking over $100 for VIP tickets to hear "Let's Get Retarded". Scratch that, $200 since I am paying for the GF's ducket too. Worth it? No way, but you got to do it and since I refused to pay $250 to go see The Stones. I watched a DVD of them [The Black Eeyed Peas] a few times, just to prepare, since I honestly have not "acquired" much of their music.
We'll be heading over to Blue Frog on Tongren for a quick bite and some beers (maybe a shot or 7) before heading out to the stadium. Should be a good time.

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