Thursday, August 10, 2006

Shut Up Rick Reily

Reason #27 Why I hate Rick Reily:

Some of you may have caught this nonstory this week. Long story short, in some 9 and 10 year-old Little League game (Yankees vs Red Sox), the Yankees are up by 1 run. Red Sox have a runner on third, 2 outs and their "best" hitter at the plate. Yankees being Yankees, they intentionally walk the "best" hitter to face the Red Sox worst hitter. the sad thing is, he's a cancer survivor, and supposedly can barely swing the bat.

So, Mr. Reily wants to get everyone in a huff about the Yankees unethical, although strategic, intentional walk to face the cancer-kid. How these coaches should be ashamed...blah blah fuckity blah. But what if instead of walking the "best" hitter, the Yankee pitcher puts it in his ear-hole? Guy goes to first and the little kid who can't swing, strikes out. Same outcome. Or what if they DID pitch to him, and he hits a dribbler to third. Third basemen checks the runner, and throws to first, but not in time. The next batter still comes up, strikes out, game over, kid goes home crying.  If the Yankee coach DID pitch to him, instead of walking him, and the pitcher gave up a homerun, the little pitcher might go Donnie Moore on us. So what's worse, a kid feeling bad or a kid shooting his own head off?

But what this story really shows us is that it doesn't matter if it's MLB or 9 year-old pony leagues, Yankees own the Redsox.

(and I really don't care if a bunch of 9 year-old redsox go home crying to their mommies)


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