Tuesday Side A
Yes, today is Monday yet I worked yesterday, so Monday is actually Tuesday. Only the rest of the week is the same as a normal week, just I have two Tuesdays, hence Tuesday A. Sucks.
I heard for a good time go here It seems like a creation from my friend Walter Cash but ala I think he was a little to late for this one.
I had a friend visit me here in Shanghai after she did a Beauty/Talent Pageant in some other Chinese city that really isn't even worth mentioning. I hope it wasn't this pageant. God I really hope it wasn't.
I've been feeling a little down lately, not after seeing a picture of "The Catch" and also the single greatest moment in the history of my sad, sad, pathetic SO FUCKING GREAT life.

Oh it is great to be alive!
There are few things you should never do to a bro. Here they are in increasing severity:
Level 1) Don't ever use your friend's Toothbrush/Razor/Deodorant without first asking permission. Some guys have issues, some don't. But you should always ask. Sorry Dell for using your Razor without asking....My Bad. I never said I was a good friend.
Level 2) Never take the last Beer/Cigarette even if your buddy says it is ok. For someone who doesn't believe in God, for someone reason I believe in this Karma. And I don't want to be on the same planet when your Karma hits for taking the last Beer. You just don't do it, ok?
Level 3) You shouldn't ever tell the Girl that you buddy is hitting on, that you are supposed to be wingmaning for, that your buddy has Genital Herpes and or suffers from Premature Ejaculation. While however funny it is in your mind, this is a kind of mental set bask that is nearly unrecoverable. He has a better chance if you told the girl your friend was gay.
Level 4) (Dangerous Territory) Never Ever hook-up with your buddy's ex-girlfriend, regardless of how long they have been broken up. The only exception is if it was a High school girlfriend, because those don't count (or do they Josh?).
Level 5) (Punishable by public mockery) Never ever ever even think about or even joke about or even joke about joking about or think about joking about or joke about thinking about revealing your buddy's WIS final score on MSN before he has read his Play by Play. The words "I hate you Dell" just don't seem to be enough.
"So There That Is"
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