Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I Hate "3" people

I’m going to go ahead and say that Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved”, while although it may have been overplayed on the radio at some time back, still needs to be considered in the upper echelon of songs. I keep going back and forth with it and Jimmy Eat World’s Kill (Kill is #1, no doubt…but same league).

My Top 5 Play-list right now looks like this*
1. Kill – JEW
2. She Will Be Loved – Maroon 5
3. New Slang – The Shins
4. Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby – Counting Crows
5. Champagne High – Sister Hazel
6. Numb/Encore – Linkin Park/Jay-Z

Dell, immediately after reading this, can you please attempt to put together a By The Numbers, possibly in old-school email form? It’s been too many months since I have last seen one from you and I am jones-ing for one.

Allow me a brief rant. I work in a build with about 35 floors. Intelligently they have 6 elevators, divide into two groups; those that go to floors 1-18 and those that go 1,18-36. Which is brilliant, except for the fact that one company has offices on both the 3rd floor and one in the 20’s. This has to be a large company because every time I get on the damn elevator, regardless of which direction I am taking it, I HAVE TO STOP on the 3rd floor. I’m going from the 1st to the 7th…OH WAIT, I’m stopping on 3 because either someone in the elevator is getting off on 3 or someone on 3 wants to go up to 18 to then take another elevator to 20-blah fucking something. I’m on 7 going to 1, will I get there non-stop? NOPE! Homo A that is already in the elevator is getting off on 3 or Homo-tron B on 3 needs to get to the bottom. It drives me absolutely Ape-Shit. If I met someone, guy or girl, outside of work, like at a bar or something and they told me they worked on the 3rd floor of Haitong Tower, I quite possible would poor my entire drink on their head. I would then yell something like, “You really should use the fucking stairs, you inept piece of shit. Because of you and your worthless co-workers, I have wasted precious time stopping on your floor at least 4 times a day. Time that I can never have back” and then I’d kick them in the shins. I fucking hate 3rd floor dwellers. (and since I am referring to them as dwelling on the 3rd floor, that would mean I assume that their office is their dwelling, LSB**). If there is anything in my life I need less of, it is definitely 3rd floor people.

Thanks again to “The Little Dude” for giving me the shout-outs in his blog. But, I already moved to China, so ha ha.

My quote of the day:
“I want to hear from you, Rancho Santa Mesa” – Jim Rome

*this Top 5 list actually contains six songs not five. They are listed in no particular order and I have mentioned nothing about them, other than listings them. I have no reason for listings these six songs either.

**LSB stands for Law School Boy. Although, I would prefer to popularize LSH: Law School Homo or possibly LSD: as in Law School Dork.


Blogger Scotty Dimes said...

i'm in complete agreement with the quality of all six of your top five...and number six was "encore," so it's supposed to go longer, right?

7:05 PM  

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