Take That And Rewind It Back
I thought I would start to share with you all a little more of my sites here in Shanghai. Here is a shot of part of my morning commute to work. I have a 10 minute walk to the Metro, by which I have the distinct pleasure of passing the Jin Mao Tower, the 4th tallest building in the World (tallest building in China) in addition to being the “highest” hotel.

Last week was ‘Golden Week”? All I knew was that it was a labor holiday, I had no idea the name. But this name came from my Caucasian boss in the U.S. and I had yet to hear anyone here refer to it as “Golden Week”, so I am hesitant to put any weight into that name. For the week off only took one small trip to a nearby city called Hangzhou. The main attraction of this city is the large lake, West Lake (how coincidental) that is centered in its city. The city is very scenic with the abundance of foliage. At time I thought I was in Vermont or something. But then I remembered that I had never been to Vermont, so I must still be in friggin China.

I was very happy when I got home after this trip as I had to ride in a car with 4 girls on the way there, and then 3 on the way back. In no way do I mean this a bragging like, “Hey, I went to Hangzhou with 4 chicks” because it wasn’t like that at all. You know when you somehow get stuck in the “Chicks” car on a way to the bars or a party? You know, when they cackle on and on about lame ass shit that has no relevance to anything you care about nor makes any logical argument whatsoever. Ok, like that except for 4 hours, and in Chinese. Oh, and an Usher CD playing on repeat, for 4 hours on the way there. On the way back there was one song on repeat for 45 minutes. 1 song…45 minutes. And it wasn’t even “Yeah”. To top it all off, the driving was I-think-I-shat-my-pants scary. No lane integrity, at all. By lane integrity I don’t just mean her’s and the one next to her, but lanes in general. We were passing people on the right, in the emergency lane. The girl driving, while extremely nice I may add, was going way too fast and cutting everyone off as she bobbed and weaved in and out of traffic like Muhammad Freaking Ali. But luckily she didn’t wrap her new Mercedes around some pole and we all made it home safely. Good Times.

This is my home…
I'm just checking, as I'm relatively unsure, but did you really just type this:
"The city is very scenic with the abundance of foliage."
Again, I'm not sure, I just wanted to see if you, ya know, you actually thought that, typed it out, read it again, and was actually satisfied with it.
[I am satisfied with it, but didn't think you were one to admire foliage.]
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