I went for the tri-fecta this weekend. Something I haven’t done in quite sometime. The tri-fecta being going out 3 nights in a row, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. This was the normal occurrence when my buddies first moved to Rockham, but I haven’t done this in a while. As I mentioned before, I went out Thursday for St. Patrick’s Day, by far the calmest night of the weekend. I followed up on Friday Night with our new standard of Bowling for Pre-party and then heading out. I’m a huge fan of this new ritual, I love Bowling and I love beer, so…great times. I bowled over 100 both times, not sure if that matter to you or not. But I take that as pretty ok. We typically start bowling around 9:30, bowl two games and head out to the club(s). As in our usual fashion, Friday night was Table at Guandi. Guandi I guess is comparable to Beaches, in the sense that we always end up there, the bartenders, owners and DJ know me. And I’ve seen NBA players in both. The only thing that I found out on Friday, is that they play the same friggin songs every week, like it is a CD. At one point I said, within 5 songs Jump Around will be played. Sure enough, on exactly the 5th song, it was on. While I was excited for myself calling it, I was irate at the CD. They have a DJ, and I know he can play other shit, because whenever I walk up to him he goes, “I know, I know, ‘Eminem’, I’ll play it soon”. He has the headphones on. Jump Around isn’t that popular. Come on dude. Are better than Brandon Goodie? The thing that makes this place much different then Beaches, is that I’m not sure it ever closes. I’ve been there as late as 4:30 am, and it was still bumping. (Can I use that word, “bumping”? probably not). The place has No windows, it’s dark as hell and no one ever leaves. Well, it never seems like people leave, because it is crowded until 4, Well, I got home Friday night, around 4:30 am Saturday morning, so when I woke up at noon, I had no inclination to go out Saturday night. But here’s the rub. I usually party with the same two buddies, with some other randoms mixed in, depending on the venue. But the third guy left Saturday morning to go on a business trip. So, my other friend wanted to go to this chick’s birthday party (who is smoking hot) but he had no “wing man”. Yours truly was nominated, and had no real excuse except being a pussy, to not go out. So I decided to go. We started off by going to this girl’s birthday “party” at this place called Arch. When we got there, we were slapped with the reality that it was a sit down birthday dinner, and no room for us. Luckily some other people were tagging along, and we spent the next two hours throwing down $3 tequila shots and pounding Chivas upstairs. Not knowing where to go next, we decided on Windows, because some dude said he had a half full bottle of tequila there. I had never been, and wanted to keep it that way, but was out numbered. I think this is a good time to mention, that I hate going out where other foreigners are. I always feel like a friggin tourist, the dudes at these joints are complete tools, and the chicks are usually…well like when you are at Milloy’s, and a chick says “Oh, I go to Cal State Dominguez Hills”, kinda like that. So, I had my reservations about this place. What I was given however, was McMooses Shanghai Style. There was a 50 rmb cover (about $6), but that bought you two free drinks. Not bad. But the drink there, well they were 10 rmb for a Jack and Coke, like $1.50. It was everything McMooses was, just substitute Mexican or Armenian chicks, for Chinese ones. At one point, some tron bumped into my friend and spilled his cocktail, which lead to an almost fight. To which I, being the mellow headed dude I am, said, “Dude, that was a 10 rmb drink, I’ll buy you another one, idiot”, which diffused the situation. So after 4 or 5 JD Cokes, 3 or so G&Ts and who knows how many shots, it was close to 4 am and time to go.
Everyone knows how Sunday goes, just constant anticipation for the Night terrors waiting for me when I go to bed that night. I honestly felt like I was a character in The Sims. Bubble thoughts of bed in my head, not knowing if I can make it back to my apartment before I pass out on the concrete for a little while. For those of you that are not aware of The Night Terrors that occur on Sunday Night, let me explain. When you binge drink, which I do, and you pass out, your body does not get to deep sleep mode or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep as they call it. I’m not sure the scientific reasoning for this, but my assumption is that the alcohol converting to methane, has some impairment on the brain synapse from cease firing. So basically, your brain does not get to go to sleep, just your body. One night of this is ok, leaves you a little groggy, but ok. Two nights, and you are borderline retarded. Three nights, well three nights and by 7pm on Sunday you are hallucinating. The belt on the ground scares me, because I think it is a snake. The towel hanging in my kitchen startles me because I think it is a witch, or leprechaun or something. When you do get to go to sleep on Sunday, your body starts to get the shakes either from the traumatization of the weekend or the alcohol withdrawals. When you sleep, you start to sweat profusely, waking up in a pool of perspiration. Monday morning comes at the blink of an eye. Great times, so say the least.